Legal notices & Terms of Service

1. Legal Notice


Creamik School

SAS Créamik
7 rue de Port Anna, 56 860 Séné
Téléphone : 06 41 18 25 21

  • Trainer number issued by the prefecture of Brittany: 5356 0833 156
  • Siret Number: 893 242 396 00016
  • VAT # FR59893242396
  • APE Code 8559A Adult Continuing Education
  • Date of commencement of business: 01/08/1982
  • Declaration to INSEE of 01/01/2012 Declaration No.: D0031 4202392



  • SAS with capital of €10,069,020
  • RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
  • APE Code 2620Z
  • VAT # FR 22 424 761 419
  • Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France


Creation of the design and development of the website (2022) by Canellecrea

2. Terms of Sales

Scope of the conditions of sale

These general terms and conditions apply to all sales made through the website.


The prices indicated in Euros are considered net. They are subject to change at any time without notice, knowing that items will be invoiced on the basis in force at the time of registration of the order. The price is payable in full and in a single payment on order. All orders are invoiced and payable in Euros only.


Currently we accept credit cards via Stripe secure online payment systems.

Payment by credit card

All transactions done using a bank card are processed in full compliance with the legislation by Stripe, an approved electronic money institution.

Stripe transactions are performed on an HTTPS link established between the client and the payment server. Sensitive data, such as the customer’s credit card number and expiry date, are fully encrypted and protected using an SSL protocol to prevent the exchanged information from being intercepted in plain text by a third party during the transaction.

The card numbers are encrypted instantly and are not accessible by Stripe merchants. In addition, Stripe does not retain card numbers and relies on a secure infrastructure approved by Visa, Mastercard, and Groupement des Cartes Bancaires according to the PCI-DSS standard. All pages of the Stripe website, as well as transmission links, are SSL secure and have a Thawte Extended Validation security certificate.

Right of withdrawal

If for some reason you are not satisfied, you can be reimbursed within 15 working days from the date of your order (item L121-20 of the French consumer code), without penalty.

It is not mandatory to use this right, but please contact Créamik School in advance (via:

The right of access and rectification


Creamik School is committed to protecting your privacy. We treat all your personal information with the utmost confidentiality. When you make a purchase, we ask you only for the necessary information (last name, first name, address, email) for quality processing and careful monitoring of your order.

Creamik School undertakes not to sell your contact details to third parties.

Your rights

The information collected is the subject of computer processing intended to process the orders placed on this site, or to post online the opinions people offer about our products, services and content.

The recipient of the data is solely the Creamik school.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting: L’école Créamik, 7 rue de Port Anna, 56 860 Séné, France.

You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of your data.


Cookies record certain information that is stored in the memory of your hard drive. Under no circumstances do cookies contain confidential information (such as your name, credit card number, etc.) but allow your computer to remember the articles you selected during your previous visits and pages you had browsed. In addition, a warning message asks you in advance if you want to accept cookies, which you can of course refuse.

Applicable law

All the clauses contained in these general conditions of sale, as well as all the transactions of purchase and sale referred to therein, will be subject to French law; the Courts will be those within the jurisdiction of VANNES, Courts of the registered office of the Creamik school, where the contract between the parties is made.

Buyer’s acceptance

These general conditions of sale and the prices are expressly approved and accepted by the buyer, who declares and acknowledges having a thorough understanding of them, and renounces, therefore, to avail himself or herself of any contradictory document and, in particular, its own general conditions of purchase, the act of purchase leading to acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

These terms are subject to change at any time without notice.