Free training to understand where to start with glazing your creations

What you will learn:

✓ How to choose your glazes (high or low temperature, glaze or slip, etc.)
✓ How to apply glaze on a ceramic piece
✓ How to avoid defects (drips, pinholes, shrinkage…)
✓ The secret to saving 96% on the cost of glaze
✓ Download a summary of the course at the end of the webinar!
✓ And there’s a little surprise at the end

Places for the free training are limited, so register now! 

Presented by:

Matthieu Liévois, a potter-ceramist for 40 years, a glaze-creation specialist, and the founder of Creamik professional ceramics school

Did you know?

✓ Creating and applying glazes is highly misunderstood, even among professionals! That’s because there are very few courses on it…

✓  Creamik school is known especially for its instruction on glazing and is in high demand: every year, it receives 4 times as many applications from students looking for professional training than it has spaces for.

✓ The information shared in this webinar is from the instruction given to students taking professional training!

This free training is for you if:

✓ You have never used glaze, and you don’t know where to start

✓ You have used industrial glaze, and you’re not happy with the results…

✓ Whether you are just starting out, a keen amateur or already a professional, you want to learn more about glazing techniques!

Register while there is still space!

Feedback on previous free trainings:

Thank you for all your explanations… It’s fascinating!!! Helene Godefroid

I really enjoyed this evening’s webinar: your explanations are clear and very useful. J Olagord

Thank you so much for this very helpful information. Marc Elusa